<p> 【举世时报记者 邢晓婧】中国女搭客李维 3月1日在乘坐维珍航空公司VS250次伦敦飞往上海的航班上遭受不平正酬劳,维珍航空尚未就此事正式报歉。23日百合花图片 ,李维独家向《举世时报》默示,称其已托付一家英国状师事务所与维珍航空就其功令责任两性小说 ,及其疏忽的职责举办疏通,不破除终极会告上法庭。</p><p> 以下为李维声明全文:</p><p> 迩来几天对我来说非常贫困,格外是在我被欺侮、藐视和不得不在惧怕中完成整个飞行之后。</p><p> 正如我之前所说,在被其它一名搭客藐视和欺侮,产生斗嘴之后,我没有想到我会以如许的方法被维珍航空的代表看待阳痿偏方秘方有哪些 。不管同业的那位搭客康健状态如何小儿腹泻的治疗 ,我期望维珍航空在处理此类斗嘴的过程中给以更多的协助,格外是在飞机腾飞前。</p><p> 是以两性知识 ,我已向英国内地状师咨询月经量少怎么调理 。休止今日上午,我已托付一家英国状师事务所与维珍航空就其功令责任,及其疏忽的职责举办疏通。</p><p> 这件事梗概终极会上庭三个月宝宝护理知识 ,在此我将不做任何进一步的果然品评,关于案件进展我谨以乞求悉数媒体接洽我的代表状师,黄醒目Jackson Ng状师男性日常养生误区 ,来自英国伦敦陈刘状师事务所。</p><p> 我一直为身为中国人而感慨自信兔女郎图片 ,很欣慰看到很多同胞都对这类性子的事故为之不服和震动胸闷气短呼吸困难。是以,我也想借此机缘谢谢悉数人对我的撑持以及将其发布的媒体。</p><p> The last few days have been very difficult for me, especially since the flight where I was humiliated, abused and had to sit through the entire flight in fear.</p><p> As I previously stated, I did not expect to have been treated the way I did by representatives of Virgin Atlantic after a humiliating racial discrimination and abuse incident by a fellow passenger. Regardless of the fellow passenger's state of health, I expected much more from Virgin Atlantic in dealing with such incidents, especially before the plane had taken off.</p><p> As such, I have consulted British lawyers and as of this morning, instructed a firm of lawyers to communicate with Virgin Atlantic on the issue of the failings of their legal responsibilities to me.</p><p> As this matter could potentially end up in a Court of Law, it would be prudent for me not to make any further comments publicly and I would respectfully ask that all media enquiries be directed to my lawyer, Jackson Ng of Chan Neill Solicitors in London, United Kingdom.</p><p> I have always been proud to be Chinese and glad to see that many people are shocked that something of this nature c2016年欧洲杯ould happen. Therefore, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have given me support and for publicising this matter.<br />