“Good night,everyone.”1月4日晚上7时许,记者在上海武警总队三支队二中队学习大厅内见到身材胖胖的傅文宝正在给官兵们上英语课。
在现场,记者亲身感受到了幽默、活跃的教学氛围。为了调动战士学习掌握英语的积极性,让他们更好地掌握英语,“胖老师”一词一句地教官兵们朗读英语,不厌其烦地为战士们校正发音,直到他们掌握为止。一个士兵告诉记者,就“Excuse me,out of date to your passport,you do not admit into it.”(对不起,你的护照已经过期,不能入内)这一句英文,傅老师为他一个人示范了5次,直到他能够熟练掌握。
记者 陈晔
2005年1月7日 星期五 今日十六版
CCTV.com消息 2006年03月10日 19:08 (东方时空):
胖老师:你好,我是胖老师。Hello, I am a fat teacher.(你好,我是胖老师)下午好,我是胖老师。
胖老师:我这个英语角有大人有小孩,大家都觉得各有所得。Come on, baby, Come on (快点,孩子们,快点。)来,妈妈过来,到这里来,来,你们两个人一起过来。来呀,Come on.,Stand here, OK?(来,都站到这儿来。)我是志愿者,献爱心的,听着哦,每个星期六上午八点钟到十二点钟我在这里作为志愿者,叫胖老师,OK?
胖老师:Hi. Excuse me. Do you speak English? I am a teacher. Hi.(你好,打扰一下,你会说英语吗?我是个老师。你好。)
胖老师:老师你好,有个通知给同学们说一下,一分钟好吧,谢谢你啊,Thank you very much.
Ladies and gentlemen, only minutes, I have information to everybody.(同学们,就几分钟,我告诉你们个事情。)
我知道,我是献爱心的,我是个好心人,一分钟。我知道,这次一分钟我献爱心,让我讲完就知道了。同学们,人民广场有个标性建筑城市规划展示馆,每个星期六上午八点半到十二点,在城市规划馆门口有个英语角,免费的,让我讲完。第二个地方,在人民公园,星期天下午一点到五点,人民公园里面也有个英语角和日语角,也是免费的,我是献爱心的,你没有爱心。Ladies and gentlemen, I will do my best to help you.(同学们,我将尽我的全力帮助你们。)Everybody here, improve your English as quickly as possible.(在座的,尽快地提高你们的英文水平。)One day when you speak English very fluently, your life will be colorful, interesting, and confident. (某天,当你们能流利地说英文时,你们的生活将是多彩的、充满乐趣的、自信满满的。)Although I am a fat man, But I am an honest man, diligent man, tender man. (尽管我长得很胖,但我是个诚实、勤奋、温和的人。)Nice to meet you, OK? (很高兴见到你们,好吗?)我留个电话给大家,56747776,场地都是政府献爱心的。谢谢大家!Bey-Bey, nice to meet you. (很高兴见到你们。)同学们,来掌声鼓励一下,来,掌声鼓励。来,同学们掌声鼓励一下,同学们再见。咦?认识我的对吧?好,同学们再见。 Bey-Bey.
胖老师:郑老师过来,他支持我的,支持我的,过来。郑老师,这位老师很支持我的,一直很支持我的,献爱心,让我讲一下,献爱心,一分钟,我马上就好,因为我是志愿者,好的。OK, OK. Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I am a fat man. I have information to everybody.(同学们,下午好。我是胖老师,我告诉你们一个事情。) Every Saturday morning, we have an English Corner, in front of ShangHai Urban Exhibition Centre。 I am a volunteer. (每个星期六上午,在上海城市规划馆门前,有个英语角。)上海城市规划馆门口每个星期六上午八点半到十二点,有个英语角和日语角,免费不要钱的。
胖老师:How do you think fat teacher English? I also speak speech very well.(你们怎么认为我这个胖老师的?我的演讲也很好的。)
人民武警报报道好心人胖老师了 2003年8月2日
杨敏 马松林
“Can I help you?”(我能帮助您吗?)当武警上海总队一支队十中队官兵在南京路上巡逻,用流利的英语为外国友人服务,外国友人投来赞许的目光时,官兵们总会想起他们的义务外语教师--傅文宝。
此后,傅文宝志愿服务对象中又多了一个特殊的群体,他把义务服务的触角向绿色警营不断延伸,他那胖胖的身影不时出现在部队的讲台前、学习室。官兵们大多数英语基础比较弱,傅文宝便从《新概念英语》第一册第一课上起,耐心细致地给大家讲词汇,教语法,从不感觉厌烦。为了锻炼大家的听说能力,授课时他经常用英语与大家对话交流,一段时间下来,效果非常明显,官兵的听说能力有了很大长进。战士小张虽然在学校时英语学得不错,但口语不行,是典型的 “哑巴英语”。傅文宝便鼓励他在课堂上大胆发言,课后又主动找他会话,这个办法果然管用,渐渐地,小张的口语变得流利起来,不再是“哑口张”了。在傅文宝的指导帮助下,部队学英语的氛围浓厚起来,有的成立了英语学习小组,有的在“队报”、板报上开辟了英语专栏,有的战士顺利通过考学,进入院校学习。
今年夏天最热的那段日子,我到一个中队“送清凉”顺便和中队的干部座谈。座谈会临近结束,突然有个地方上的胖子出现在会议室门口,他一进门就满脸堆笑、嗲声嗲气地和我们打起招呼:“各位首长好!”。这个留着近似光头、穿着一件皱巴巴花格子T恤的胖子的突现,使我感到很是意外,“哪来的混混儿!天桥练摊儿的溜达到上海滩来了!看来部队管理的确不严,这样的人竟能如此顺利地进入营区!”我暗自思忖着,脸上露出不快。“哦吆,这位首长面生嘛,您不认识我吧?我就是义务为你们战士辅导英语的胖老师呀。”依就是嗲声迭起,他似乎没有注意到我的反感,竟亲热地径直向我伸出手来,“How do you do?”这突如其来的热情让我有点无措,我看了一下在座的其他同志,大家都乐呵呵没有异常反应,我便条件反射地站起来,“How do you do.”我半是调侃地回敬他。“首长也喜欢讲英文呀?以后可以共同探讨的呀。”说着便递上了他的名片。中队长见状连忙打断他的话,“胖老师,这是我们刚来的副支队长,我们正在开会,你先到俱乐部休息吧”。“好呀,好呀,不好意思,打扰你们了,Bye——”。那人倒是很知趣地走开了。
“何许人也?”或许是我一脸的疑惑,其他同志忙向我解释:他大名傅文宝,大家都喊他“胖老师”,当天他是到中队辅导战士学习外语的。其实,“胖老师”这个名字是他自己告诉我的,大概他的体形比较有特点,人家习惯这样称呼他,而他自己也喜欢人家对他的这个称呼。大家又七嘴八舌围绕“胖老师”说了几句无关痛痒的话便不再说他什么了。后来,我从一家媒体的报道中得知,“胖老师”是某企业的下岗工人,下岗8年了,自学了英语、日语、德语和法语,热心组织“英语角”,义务帮助一些人自学外语,在鲁迅公园、人民广场等地的“英语角”颇有点名气,是这些地方“英语角”的组织者。 “胖老师”的事儿还真的被多家媒体报道过呢。又闻:“胖老师”的父母已经双双过世,他独自一人生活,40多岁了,尚未婚配。由于他的主要时间和精力都放在学习外语和义务帮助他人学习外语方面,仅靠朋友帮忙偶尔为一些企业做点短期外语培训换取些收入,在上海这个高消费的城市里,日子过得紧张而清苦。其实,真正能引起我注意的是他几年来热心为武警部队的干部、战士乃至家属、子女辅导英语,从不计报酬。“胖老师”家住宝山,每天从家中到市内,往返路上都要3个多小时,他能坚持下来,的确不易啊!
“胖老师”走进我办公室的时候已经满头是汗,我不知道他是从什么地方赶过来的。他进门就从随身携带的塑料袋中掏出一本破词典和一本花花绿绿的小册子,并说第一件要做的事情是测试一下我的英语水平。我不知道那本小册子是什么宝贝,连忙向他手中扫了一眼,《快乐学英语》,新东方少儿英语(KIDS ENGLISH),有没有搞错啊?难道要用这本少儿英语测试我的英语水平?这不是浪费时间嘛,我感到很不可思议。我心想:我可是早就告诉你“胖老师”我是大学英语四级水平,并且还通过了研究生英语全国统考的,这些可不是和你瞎吹的。“胖老师”对我的惊诧没作任何反应,他仿佛将我曾经向他说过的这些话早就忘到九霄云外了。算了,既然这样我也不再解释,不就是少儿英语嘛,还能测出什么水平不成呢。他闲话不说,随手翻开那本小册子开始问我一些简单的日常用语,他说汉语,让我口译成英语,出乎意料的是我竟然被他问的目瞪口呆,张口结舌,满脸通红。其实,这些口语中的单词都是及其简单而且都是我再熟悉不过的了,但是,一旦要开口说了就不知道如何准确表达,往往是把简单的问题复杂化。“胖老师”还真够可以的,他上来就给我来了一个下马威啊!别看他平时对我们这些支队领导非常的谦恭,甚至表现出一种谦卑,可是,一旦我不能准确回答他的提问时,情况就完全不同了,尽管是第一次到我的办公室,他也没有给我留丁点儿个面子,他用近乎命令的口气说“拿笔记下来!然后给我背五遍!”哦,我真的是自讨苦吃!栽了,栽到“胖老师”手中的儿童英语上了!
If you are a regular on Metro Line 1, you probably have heard Teacher Fatty. Each day, the Shanghai native, real name Bo Wenbao, turns the train carriages into a megaphone to publically air his grievances. What\'s he shouting about? Being sacked by Bao Steel in 1997.Both of my parents are illiterate – my family is at the bottom of Chinese society. I started to work in Shanghai No 1 Steel Factory in 1982 when I was 20. During this time, I went to night school to learn foreign languages. In the 15 years I worked there, I learned four languages – English, Japanese, German, and French. The year I turned 35, I was laid off. The pension was ¥280 a month. My father was retired and my mother was only a house wife. Life became extremely hard.Shouting in the subway is a way for me to tell people what I’ve been through. I go to the subway from 4.30pm to 10.30pm during weekdays to shout, and then I do English and Japanese corners on the weekends. Doing what I\'m doing gets me in trouble. I’ve been sent to the madhouse twice. Fortunately, I can speak several foreign languages, so ever since 1997, I\'ve been attending English corners in different places where people can come and practice their English. I also teach English to the Shanghai Armed Police for free. My sincerity won the police’s trust – proof that I’m still a useful person to society. I’m very grateful for their help in getting my Bo Wenbao Foreign Language Education Consulting Company license. Now I need to find somewhere indoors to teach that isn’t affected by the weather.I also make a living from teaching English at hotels and restaurants, and sometimes I do translation work or offer my services as a city tour guide. Since my parents passed away, I’ve been on my own. I need attention, so I\'ve also created a forum at Baidu.com to write about my life. I’m fat, so my students always call me “Teacher Fatty.” I’ve always been fat, because I have such a large appetite.Some people are curious about my shouting, while others think I’m just out of my mind. I think both these reactions are normal. Even though I’ve been through hardship in my life, I’m not disappointed. I will be 46 soon, but I have never been in love, even though all of my classmates are now parents. My first wish is to locate a permanent classroom. My second hope is that when I have a steady income, I will find the kind of girl who understands me and wants to spend the rest of her life with me.
Laid-off worker devotes himself to polularizing English
Shanghai Star. 2004-12-23
PEOPLE gave Fu Wenbao the lovely nickname "Fat Teacher" after he opened an English corner near the City Planning Exhibition Centre on Saturday mornings. Fu, 43, a laid-off worker, established this English Corner in 2001 after devoting himself to the study of the English language for more than eight years.
He began learning English after starting work at the Shanghai No.1 Iron and Steel Factory in 1982.
"Both my parents are illiterate and I always knew if one is to develop oneself, education is necessary. So I bought \'New Concept\' and other textbooks and started learning," he said. In 1997, he was laid-off from his job but he was not discouraged. "I didn\'t want to be considered disadvantaged. I have my advantage - English. I can make use of my English to help people," recalled Fu. Along with being a volunteer at the Japanese Corner in Hongkou Park every Sunday morning and the English Corner in Renmin Park on Sunday afternoons, he was invited last year by the Correspondence Station of the PLA Commission in Shanghai to teach soldiers English . "I am fully occupied now. On weekdays, I teach six sections of the PLA. On weekends, I hold three English corners," he said.Fu does all this for free, even though he only receives 280 yuan (US$34) a month in unemployment pay. "To me, the most important thing is not how much money I make - I\'m single and I have little need for material things. Through my teaching and volunteer work, I help so many people and thus realize my value. I show others that laid-off workers can make great contributions too." uan Yaliang, a 23 year-old university student, expressed her gratitude to Fat Teacher. She learned about this English Corner three years ago when she was in high school."Fat Teacher knocked at the door of our classroom and introduced himself and this English Corner. Thanks to him, my overall English abilities have improved a lot, especially my spoken English."A mother surnamed Chen, who takes her 11 year-old son Xue Chenjia to the corner every weekend, said no matter how cold or hot, Fat Teacher always comes to the corner and acts as a conduit through whom people of varying backgrounds get to talk in English.Even though Fu has overcome many difficulties and the English Corners are gaining increasing popularity, he still feels that much needs to be done."A lotple would like to join the English Corner but are unable to due to time pressure, weather or the environment. That's why the number of participants varies. There are English Corners on weekends, but what about weekdays? Look at us, without a permanent indoor gathering place, the noise and the wind interferes with us." Last September, with the help of PLA leaders in Shanghai as well as the government of the Baoshan District, Fu registered a company called Fu Wen Bao English Education Consulting Limited."To find a permanent meeting room and to organize an English club is my first goal," Fu said confidently. SHANGHAI: It was a snowy Sunday afternoon when Fu Wenbao finally arrived at Renmin Park in Shanghai. Clad in a grey overcoat, the 43-year-old had a round and friendly appearance. For the past eight years, Fu has been a volunteer at the English Corner, a gathering for English learners held in the park every Sunday. Fu had been worried that few people would come due to the unfavourable weather. However to his surprise, a number of young people were already there eagerly speaking to each other in English."The gatherings are so important to me that I\'ve seldom missed any of them, no matter what the weather was like," Fu said. His fluent English and active role in the gatherings have won him great acclaim amongst the many participants. His "students" have even given him the name "Fat Teacher," even though he is not a real teacher.In addition to helping participants with their problems in lingual learning, Fu also organizes group discussions at the English Corner. Few would expect that Fu was self-taught in English.Born into a poor family, Fu did not have a chance to go to college or university, yet still knew the significance of a good education. He began studying English, Japanese, French and German in his spare time while he worked as a driver at the Shanghai No 1 Iron and Steel Factory in the 1980s.to improve his spoken English, he went to the English Corner in Renmin Park."I got to know many English learners and got a lot of help from them," Fu recalls. But he did not expect that his future life would have a close link with this experience.In 1997, he was laid-off from his job and received a subsidy of 280 yuan (US$34) a month."I was not frustrated at that time," recalled Fu. This was because he was fairly sure that his knowledge would bring him other opportunities. But instead of finding a stable job, Fu decided to work as a volunteer at the English Corner in the park.However, since he could hardly live on the meagre subsidy, he had to find temporary jobs, such as working as an English trainer in companies. Now with an income of about 1,000 yuan (US$121) every month, Fu is able to support himself."Many of my friends came and tried to persuade me to give up my volunteer work," Fu recalled. "I enjoy helping others with my knowledge."Along with being a volunteer at the English Corner every Sunday afternoon, he also works for the Japanese Corner in Hongkou Park every Sunday morning. In 2001, Fu began a new English Corner near the City Planning Exhibition Centre to help more adults with their English learning. At the very beginning, there were only about 10 participants at the new English Corner. But with years of hard work, the number has increased to over 100 people.Fu\'s popularity was also growing as his gatherings drew more and more people.Wang Chunyan was a student of the Shanghai Foreign Studies University, and has been part of Fu's gathering for three months She was greatly impressed by Fu\'s enthusiasm during her first visit. "I was too shy to speak a word. Then \'Fat Teacher\' came to me with a friendly smile, introduced me to some foreigners, and helped me join their conversation," Wang recalled. Yuan Yaliang, a 23-year-old university student, expressed her gratitude to Fu. She learned about Fu\'s Japanese Corner three years ago when she was in high school."Thanks to him, my overall Japanese abilities have improved a lot, especially my spoken Japanese," Yuan said. "I have the feeling of fulfillment when I see what\'s happening to my students, especially those who are too shy to open their mouths to speak English and then reach the point where they speak it confidently," said Fu.In April 2002, a police officer happened to meet Fu when he went to the English Corner in Renmin Park. He was so impressed by the warm-hearted volunteer, that he invited Fu to be an English teacher for the staff from his department. Without hesitation, Fu accepted the invitation and insisted that he would do the job for free.His classes turned out to be a great success."The boring process of language learning is turned into an interesting journey," said Yang Min, a police officer who was one of Fu\'s students. "And the atmosphere is relaxed and happy."Learning in a happy atmosphere and in an easy-going way was the secret of the fast progress amongst the officers, Yang said. "And our great interest in English drives our learning," Yang added.Many students have already tasted the sweet success from learning under Fu. Some have even been admitted to military academies to further their education due to their excellent English skills.Some are now able to talk to foreigners in fluent English when they patrol Nanjing Road in downtown Shanghai.Fu admits that the volunteering as a teacher has taken up most of his spare time. From Monday to Friday, he gives a two-hour class to the policemen in the evening. On weekends, he works for the gatherings in the parks. "Most of my friends are married, have kids and live a comfortable life," said Fu who is still single and lives in a 12-square-metre apartment in northern suburb of Shanghai. Yet, Fu does not regret his decision. "I believe I\'ve chosen the right path. I\'ve made a lot of good friends who encourage me and have helped me through all these years," Fu said. Now his goal is to find a permanent meeting room so as to develop his English corners into an English club."Without a permanent indoor place, our atherings are easily interrupted by many factors, but mainly the weather," Fu explained. Fu hopes that the public will extend its generosity in order make his dream a reality. (China Daily 02/04/2005 page14)Fu Wenbao is often called "fat teacher."Not that he minds though. He once told some primary school students attending his English corner: "You should eat more fruit and vegetables. Otherwise you will be as fat as me." The children laughed.Fu said that creating a casual environment helps children practice English. In May 1997, Fu visited the English and Japanese corner in Hongkou Park for the first time after losing his job. Ever since he has voluntarily organized the weekend English corner. He takes a one-hour bus ride from his home to the park every Sunday morning. In the afternoon he pops over to People\'s Park and attends another English and Japanese corner.In 2000, he set up an English corner in his own community. He started another in front of the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall that has met every Saturday morning since 2001.He has also given English classes to members of the police force for more than a year and given English lessons to students during summer holidays. He does not charge for his services. Fu earns money by giving English lessons to employees at corporations. He also collects a 290 yuan (US$35) monthly subsidy for being unemployed."What I\'ve earned is not money, but the pride gained by devoting myself to others," said the 43-year-old, who weighs more than 100 kilograms. "Though I\'m unemployed, I\'ve proven myself a worthy man."Fu started learning English on his own in 1987. "I was a train driver at that time, and knew nothing about English," he said. "My parents, though uneducated, hoped I could learn something that was regarded as a skill. I didn\'t disappoint them."But the road to becoming a teacher was never smooth. "If I studied at home, my parents would stop watching television," Fu said, recalling the tiny one bedroom apartment they shared. "I read English in the public bathing box for hours and stopped smoking to save time." Fu lives alone now that his parents have died. He said he feels the pain of loneliness sometimes. He has simple hopes for the future. "A wife, a child and a home, that's what I dream of," he said.Fat taecher\' lures expats with English.If you want to meet English-speakers and learners, just visit the English Corners in several Shanghai parks to find people eager to practice foreign languages, share their lives and make friends, write Hong Dinglin and Yang Fan. " I\'m \'fat teacher,\' would you like to speak English with me?" Every weekend when passing a quiet corner of Lu Xun Park in Shanghai\'s northeast Hongkou District, you will be greeted by a smile and the friendly question. It\'s a chit-chat window on Shanghai where languages and cultures intersect. It is also a stage for individuals and ideas. "Fat teacher," whose real name is Fu Wenbao, is actually a laid-off worker from the Shanghai No. 1 Iron and Steel Factory. Having been self-taught for 14 years, Fu now can speak four languages - English, Japanese, German and French. And for the past nine years, the 44-year-old has been a volunteer at the park\'s English Corner on weekends. "When I lost my job, I felt so sad and depressed. I thought I had been discarded by the world," recalls Fu. "But soon I found that my English could help lots of people, so I have been going to the English Corner since then. English Corner is where local Chinese gather regularly to practice their English. In Shanghai, one of the largest English Corners is held every Sunday at Lu Xun Park. People move around, chatting casually about many topics with native English speakers to improve their language skills. Cao Shiyi, a college student, goes to Lu Xun Park every week. "I think Fu is a funny guy, very enthusiastic, and of course I come here to practice my English," he says. "It\'s a good way for us to improve our English, and the atmosphere here is very cozy and relaxing. The only problem is that it\'s too crowded." Besides native speakers and local Chinese, there are also people from non-English-speaking countries, like South Korea, Japan, South Africa. Fu is now the supervisor for three English Corners located in the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, People\'s Park, Lu Xun Park and a Japanese Corner at Lu Xun Park. "After I found that more and more people liked coming here, I then opened a new English Corner near the exhibition hall on Saturday mornings," Fu says. Some might feel puzzled why the English Corner could attract so many people. Hu Xiaojun, a white-collar worker, has his own views. "Chinese who want to learn foreign languages find talking to native speakers is the fastest and the most effective way to improve themselves," he says. "And for foreigners, communicating with local people is the best way to learn the city, its people, culture and lifestyle. So it\'s a kind of win-win situation." Every Sunday afternoon, at one corner of People\'s Park, groups of people - foreign and local, young and old - gather, talking with one another, of course, in English. "I really like it here," says Johan S. Jensen from Norway. "All people here are friendly. They talk to you forthrightly and courteously. We have no settled topics - it could be the weather, career and other life things, just like daily talk among friends and family. Conversation helps me know more about China, its customs and daily life. I think the English Corner is a nice image, along with the Bund and other beautiful landmarks, during my Shanghai trip." No advertising, no promotion, only word of mouth has made the English Corner "a scene" in the park. Rolf Anders Storset and Elizabeth Storset are delighted. Before their trip, the Norwegian couple\'s friend who visited previously, told them of the English Corner and said they would have a chance to meet local people. So, on their second day in town, they went to People\'s Park. "So great!" says the husband. "It\'s a special experience. The atmosphere is comfortable and joyous. Chinese here are diligent. They try their best to talk with me and never miss a chance to speak. "Although not all the learners can speak fluent, standard English, I still understand them. I think through more communication, their spoken English will get better and better." As the Storsets said, many English learners made great progress by talking with native speakers. Zhang Anna, 25, an employee at a trade company, says: "I have been coming here for a long time. At first, it was hard for me to join the conversation and I didn\'t have much confidence to speak, even with Chinese. But, after three or four visits, then when a foreigner asked me a question, I began to talk freely. "Everyone here experiences such problems, but once you open your mouth, you can overcome shyness and that is the start of progress, notonly in English but also in communication skills," she adds. In fact, besides trying to improve language skills, some go to the corners more for communication, such as Miao Weizhong, a college student, who goes to the English Corner mainly to make new friends. "People need communication," he says, adding that after the help from "fat teacher," he has made many different friends. Just close to the English Corner in Lu Xun Park, there is also a Japanese Corner. Different from the English Corner, many Japanese go there to meet their compatriots and make Chinese friends. "Before I came here, the Japanese Corner was already there," says Fu. "When I found I could not communicate with them in English, I decided to learn Japanese, and spent five years until I could speak fluently." "Fu is an earnest, humorous man, we like him, and we have an appointment every week," a Japanese writes in Chinese. With the increasing number of participants, Fu hopes to find an indoor venue for all these language enthusiasts. Like a window, a stage and a battlefield, the English Corner helps people get connected and brings those from different cultural backgrounds closer to one another. It offers an arena for people to show and express themselves and also help them conquer their weakness. It\'s just as Mrs Storset said: "If I get the chance, I will come here again!" Where to go: Saturdays, 8am-12pm, near Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall (English Corner) Sundays, 8-11:30am, Lu Xun Park (English Corner and Japanese Corner) Sundays, 12-5pm, People's Park (English Corner)
上海日报 2006年8月2日
As an English corner-goer, fat teacher really impressed me. I would like to say he is probably the most enthusiastic person I have eve met in my life. While I know his passion arouse much controversy among people, some say he is amazing guy but some consider him as kind of insanity. Personally speaking, I prefer to the first one. I have talked with fat teacher for several times, almost every time what I am really touched by him is his spirit and enthusiasm, which make the most difference. Maybe his over warmhearted behavior sometimes offend others unconsciously, but if looking thorough his controversial demeanour to some extend, we actually find nothing but a real heart, which serves English fans and contributes to a flourishing English corner of his own accord for years . I think we have no reason to doubt his personality. On the contrast, we should present more appreciation to him rather than hostility, nowadays, as the society becomes much more material and complicated, people tend to protect them from being offended by some kind of strange behaviors which actually have no hostility at all, to be honest I think I am also one of them. Therefor, we are so easy to misunderstand someone who actually do great help to us. Taking fat teacher for a example, some people always poke fun at him cause they simply think fat teacher craves so much personal reputation, I can’t stop they think in this way, but what I am trying to say is ,please don’t forget that it is he as one of the major volunteers that organized the English corner then As a result we have opportunities to chat on this haunting platform, I think we should be more tolerant to him even he actually makes you uncomfortable. In terms of this point, I would like to appeal to more understanding from English fans cause he is a real hero and fighter, who fights for English lovers all the way.So let’s join together to work for a much more harmonious English corner and vibrant English community . For the sake of improving our language skills and enjoying happy Sunday afternoon as well as making possible friends, we need mutual understanding .And so ,I think I must say thanks once again to fat teacher, you are someone who deserves our appreciation, you will never walk alone!And you guys who share the same feeling with me, please join my msn:
it is my great honor to be your friend, thanks.
1 Fat Teacher
This morning I went to the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, together with my boyfrined.It\'s really far for me to there from home, about 1.5-2 hours.At the gate the hall, serveral young people arroung a fat man, that\'s the man I ever read at the Shanghai Daily, also at the class when I took the English Intermediate Course with my bf.Really hot these days in such kind of summer day, Fat teacher is funny, warm hearted, really.Yeah, ever heard of many story about him and the story, I think to learn anything including English is your own job, also to be sucessful or not, so no one could help you, only have to partice & partice, with people, with any chance you can catch.English corner is chance for us common people.So if you want to get it improved, join us, join the corner, I can say of course you will catch what you want, anything, yeah, I promise.
Sure,it is a really precious opportunity to chat with fat teacher,a very hopeful chance to practice oral English,let\'s join.I love you Mr.FatDear Mr.Fat, I want to say thank you very much for your dedication and passion on english teaching, which spirit is contactous and inspiring, wish everygthing you can achieve,go. go .go
Shiro xi
1 You will never walk alone
As an English corner-goer, fat teacher really impressed me. I would like to say he is probably the most enthusiastic person I have eve met in my life. While I know his passion arouse much controversy among people, some say he is amazing guy but some consider him as kind of insanity. Personally speaking, I prefer to the first one. I have talked with fat teacher for several times, almost every time what I am really touched by him is his spirit and enthusiasm, which make the most difference. Maybe his over warmhearted behavior sometimes offend others unconsciously, but if looking thorough his controversial demeanour to some extend, we actually find nothing but a real heart, which serves English fans and contributes to a flourishing English corner of his own accord for years . I think we have no reason to doubt his personality. On the contrast, we should present more appreciation to him rather than hostility, nowadays, as the society becomes much more material and complicated, people tend to protect them from being offended by some kind of strange behaviors which actually have no hostility at all, to be honest I think I am also one of them. Therefor, we are so easy to misunderstand someone who actually do great help to us. Taking fat teacher for a example, some people always poke fun at him cause they simply think fat teacher craves so much personal reputation, I can’t stop they think in this way, but what I am trying to say is ,please don’t forget that it is he as one of the major volunteers that organized the English corner then As a result we have opportunities to chat on this haunting platform, I think we should be more tolerant to him even he actually makes you uncomfortable. In terms of this point, I would like to appeal to more understanding from English fans cause he is a real hero and fighter, who fights for English lovers all the way.So let’s join together to work for a much more harmonious English corner and vibrant English community . For the sake of improving our language skills and enjoying happy Sunday afternoon as well as making possible friends, we need mutual understanding .And so ,I think I must say thanks once again to fat teacher, you are someone who deserves our appreciation, you will never walk alone! And you guys who share the same feeling with me, please join my msn:
it is my great honor to be your friend, thanks.
wish MR FAT a more brilliant future,ur presistence and passion inspired me. Thanks indeed
He is a very fat man with sense of humours, and promote everyone to study a foreign language . he can speake several languages, such as English ,Janpanse ,French , Germany . he is also a very kind and warm-hearted man .it is essential for us to speak a fluent and acurecy english . but there is not plenty of chance for us to speak english, once when i heard that there is an english corner in luxun park . so i join it on sunday ,it is really very interesting and helpful to improve english . i meet fat teacher by chance in english corner , he introduces me to some friends who hope to communicate with other people .Keep on your career!
Hello,fat teacher,you are an excellent and brilliant teacher in my opinion.
May i give you a suggestion that you should take care of your own self?
Sometimes we Chinese people should learn foreign country culture in our heart.When we communicate each other,we can feel free and friendly and zealous.Language is quite an important tool for us to lead our life more colorful.You are successful and brave,good luck to you! English corner supportor:
To enhance the cultural and commercial exchange between china and foreign countries and to make the Culture of Cuisine of hotel public.Besides,to make the hotel more popular,making
biggest contributions to the social progress and good economic results,XX hotel has friendly
consulted with Mr Fu wen Bao and decided to sincerely cooperate with Mr Fu Wen Bao to
establish International Exchange Centre of commercial culture of**hotel and have made agreements about it as follows:
1 Side A
1.Making responsible for offering the fixed place for the activity of the International
Exchange Center of commercial culture and the tea-drinking.
Making responsible for the service and security during the activity of the International
Exchange Center of commercial culture of **hotel.
3 Responsible for supplying the equipment the activity, needs.(air-condition,light,
4.If there is any tax-charging. Side A is responsible for paying it and will responsible for
taking the tea—drinking charge.
1 Responsible for gathering organizing the customers who will take part in the activity of the International Exchange Center of commercial culture of**hotel
2.Responsible for the business managemem and development of the International Exchange
center of commercial culture of xx hotel.
3 Responsible for all the expenditure from the business of the International Exchang center of commercial culture of xx hotel and advertisement and publislmaent.
1.The time of activity of the International Exchange center of commercial culture of xx hotel on
every Saturday and Sunday。(9:00am-11:00 am/2:30pm_4:30pm),after two years,it will be
held from Monday to friday(9:00 am-11:00 am/2:30pm_4:30pm).
2 The customer who taking part in the activity of tea-drinking will be charged at RMB10 yuan each
3. SidE A will get 50% and Side B will get 50%from RMB 10 yuan from activity tea-drinking charge,the income from tea-drinking charge、will be shared between Side A and Side B each time afte rthe activity of it at the end .
4.During the law effective time of the contract the share proportion from tea-drinking of the
Activity will not be changed.nor will the tea-drinking price,If there is any need to change it,Side A and SideB should make agreements.
5 If Side A need fixed place of international exchange center of commercial culture of **hotel
To do business activity.SideA must find other place inside of the hotel for SideB’s activity.after Side A finish business at the fixed place and should return the fixed place to the Side B\'s
Activity as usual.
6.Neither Side A nor Side B can hold other activity of International Exchange Center of
commercial cuIture of xx hotel at the hotel alone.If needed,both Side A and Side B should make
7. If one of them breaks the promise.must compensate all the loss of the other side.
8 The law effective time of the contract is five years.
9.Those that are not mentioned in the contract will be consulted by Side A and Side B.The
Complementry contract that will be signed is as law effective as the first contract l0 The contract will be copied for both side A and Side B take two.It will be fully law effective after both side A and Side B sign their name and affix the seal and they will be lawfully effective.
SideA: SideB:
Dear Sir,I\'m deeply grateful for the timely assistance provided by the people whose generous and humane gesture in my most difficult and painful days will always be remembered,I trust that people will stand by me and support me。I shall not forget the
heIping hand and you have extended to me.in,myhour of need.I grown up at the underprivileged family,both of my parents are illiteracy never educate before.I\'m living with my parents in a humble small room,dark,unsanitary surrounding,from the view of my poor living condition,I\'m less fortunate in this respect,but being in these place,allow me to understand more about poverty ,about needy people,learn to be creative,to be industrious,to be determined to become a well educated person by myself during spare time after 8 hours work and have begun to treasure what I have in spite of touphchallenge lie ahead,jump to the seaof marketing society ,go ahead,never turn back until swim to the successful destination no matter how much heavy price I paid as long as my long time cherished wish will be realized”that is I can live completely freely,find my own house.cook my own food,find my own job and decide my own future,live with dignity and pride,able to establish good environment for my future children have a well education that I couldn’t have,you see the only way to solve the poverty problem was to ensure a good education.However,otherwise my family will fall into a vicious cycle of poverty, am I right? What’s your opinion?For the sake of it,why ahould I bother about twist and turns the road I take actuallythe success could not be achieved without years of strenuous effort and experience persistent hard working.
Dear Sir,if you recognize my achievement,then is obviously great reward for me
I\'m a very ordinary man,see this as the opportunity of lifetime to achieve something special,it does reflect something real about my feeling.
You see.No pain,no gain.
Although sometimes I feel a bit tiresome and lonesome.but I always encourage Myself to make every effort to overcome any difficult matter which would inevitably happen to me,in fact I have to sacrifice my pleasure for the sake of my desire and to accomplish ambition of my future life. English have a vivid saying life is a one way street,no matter how many detours you take,none of them leads back,once you know and realize that you must do your best you can with what you have,with what you are,with what you have been. Genius is One per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration of persistent hard work is what drove me to devote myself entirely to thegrueling‘monotonous English Japanese language learning and did not mindhowharsh crowded slum living Condition, the frustration of my life so long,as I make remarkable progress of foreign language achievement. I also study by myself about International Trade of the Concepts of MarketingStrategy.Business Development,Resource managernent,Market Analysis and the Marketing of Products China will open its market completely to the world within the next three years,the concession would give foreign business committee unprecedented opportunity to explore the rapidly ballooning gigantic market.1 will spare no effort to build a better life by my own and establish my glorious future with my ingenuity strength, knowledgeable talent well education wisdom, proficientin English.Japanese.the language of international trade and communication that is indispensable, I’m now quite confident that I can lead an independent self-sufficient, meaningful life and everything going to be all right. It is very important in maintaining stable smooth life in an atmosphere of pleasant andrelaxed environment for me continually concentrate in my study due to the full of support of myaging parents whom is my duty bound to care for ,I must be man have a sense of responsibility and commitment conscientiouslyI also want to mention something to you that I can bravely choose my own way ,Ithought was right and resolutely make up my mind to persue for and would not takeeverything for granted.I should carry out the spirit of self-reliance,plain living and hard struggle in the endeavor to shake off poverty and become prosperous
It’s a challenge and chance for me
Many thanks for everything you do to me 。
Your honest and
David opperfeiled
Fu Wen Bao
9 SEP 1999
今年夏天最热的那段日子,我到一个中队“送清凉”顺便和中队的干部座谈。座谈会临近结束,突然有个地方上的胖子出现在会议室门口,他一进门就满脸堆笑、嗲声嗲气地和我们打起招呼:“各位首长好!”。这个留着近似光头、穿着一件皱巴巴花格子T恤的胖子的突现,使我感到很是意外,“哪来的混混儿!天桥练摊儿的溜达到上海滩来了!看来部队管理的确不严,这样的人竟能如此顺利地进入营区!”我暗自思忖着,脸上露出不快。“哦吆,这位首长面生嘛,您不认识我吧?我就是义务为你们战士辅导英语的胖老师呀。”依就是嗲声迭起,他似乎没有注意到我的反感,竟亲热地径直向我伸出手来,“How do you do?”这突如其来的热情让我有点无措,我看了一下在座的其他同志,大家都乐呵呵没有异常反应,我便条件反射地站起来,“How do you do.”我半是调侃地回敬他。“首长也喜欢讲英文呀?以后可以共同探讨的呀。”说着便递上了他的名片。中队长见状连忙打断他的话,“胖老师,这是我们刚来的副支队长,我们正在开会,你先到俱乐部休息吧”。“好呀,好呀,不好意思,打扰你们了,Bye——”。那人倒是很知趣地走开了。
“何许人也?”或许是我一脸的疑惑,其他同志忙向我解释:他大名傅文宝,大家都喊他“胖老师”,当天他是到中队辅导战士学习外语的。其实,“胖老师”这个名字是他自己告诉我的,大概他的体形比较有特点,人家习惯这样称呼他,而他自己也喜欢人家对他的这个称呼。大家又七嘴八舌围绕“胖老师”说了几句无关痛痒的话便不再说他什么了。后来,我从一家媒体的报道中得知,“胖老师”是某企业的下岗工人,下岗8年了,自学了英语、日语、德语和法语,热心组织“英语角”,义务帮助一些人自学外语,在鲁迅公园、人民广场等地的“英语角”颇有点名气,是这些地方“英语角”的组织者。 “胖老师”的事儿还真的被多家媒体报道过呢。又闻:“胖老师”的父母已经双双过世,他独自一人生活,40多岁了,尚未婚配。由于他的主要时间和精力都放在学习外语和义务帮助他人学习外语方面,仅靠朋友帮忙偶尔为一些企业做点短期外语培训换取些收入,在上海这个高消费的城市里,日子过得紧张而清苦。其实,真正能引起我注意的是他几年来热心为武警部队的干部、战士乃至家属、子女辅导英语,从不计报酬。“胖老师”家住宝山,每天从家中到市内,往返路上都要3个多小时,他能坚持下来,的确不易啊!
“胖老师”走进我办公室的时候已经满头是汗,我不知道他是从什么地方赶过来的。他进门就从随身携带的塑料袋中掏出一本破词典和一本花花绿绿的小册子,并说第一件要做的事情是测试一下我的英语水平。我不知道那本小册子是什么宝贝,连忙向他手中扫了一眼,《快乐学英语》,新东方少儿英语(KIDS ENGLISH),有没有搞错啊?难道要用这本少儿英语测试我的英语水平?这不是浪费时间嘛,我感到很不可思议。我心想:我可是早就告诉你“胖老师”我是大学英语四级水平,并且还通过了研究生英语全国统考的,这些可不是和你瞎吹的。“胖老师”对我的惊诧没作任何反应,他仿佛将我曾经向他说过的这些话早就忘到九霄云外了。算了,既然这样我也不再解释,不就是少儿英语嘛,还能测出什么水平不成呢。他闲话不说,随手翻开那本小册子开始问我一些简单的日常用语,他说汉语,让我口译成英语,出乎意料的是我竟然被他问的目瞪口呆,张口结舌,满脸通红。其实,这些口语中的单词都是及其简单而且都是我再熟悉不过的了,但是,一旦要开口说了就不知道如何准确表达,往往是把简单的问题复杂化。“胖老师”还真够可以的,他上来就给我来了一个下马威啊!别看他平时对我们这些支队领导非常的谦恭,甚至表现出一种谦卑,可是,一旦我不能准确回答他的提问时,情况就完全不同了,尽管是第一次到我的办公室,他也没有给我留丁点儿个面子,他用近乎命令的口气说“拿笔记下来!然后给我背五遍!”哦,我真的是自讨苦吃!栽了,栽到“胖老师”手中的儿童英语上了!谁让俺回答不出来呢?认栽吧!如此这般,我无法拒绝他的“命令”,等我完成了他的任务,他微笑着说“Good”,那种表情真让我感到更加难堪。